✉️ Welcome!
This is a comprehensive (and ambitious 🥵) list of things you might need to know to become a front-end Junior web developer in 2022, based on what I learned speaking with newly-hired developers and Hiring Managers on The Scrimba Podcast 🎙.
It’s a template! So click Duplicate in the top-right corner to make your own copy and fill it in.
As a rule of thumb,
- If you check 50%, you have a excellent chance of succeeding in an entry-level or intern position
- If you check 70%, you can probably ignore the 2-3 years of experience requirement present in many Junior job ads
- If you check 100%, you should have started applying months ago! Don’t worry, the second best time is now.
Skills highlighted in bold orange are non-essential/above and beyond.
🤫 P.S If you’re looking for an excellent learning resource that covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React at a hireable level, check out The Frontend Developer Career Path at Scrimba.
All the best,
Alex from Scrimba (follow me on Twitter!)

- [ ] HTML
- [ ] Non-semantic elements (
, <p>
, lists, links, <img>
vs. <picture>
- [ ] Semantic elements (
, <section>
, <nav>
- [ ] Forms (<input> types, validation attributes, <input type=”text”> vs. <textarea>)
- [ ] Metadata (viewport metadata, open graph metadata, link to stylesheet, link to favicon, how to add Google Analytics or Tag Manager)
- [ ] Accessible HTML (well-understood by screen readers)
- [ ] SVG basics

- [ ] CSS
- [ ] The box model
- [ ] Display value types (block, inline-block, inline, flex, grid)
- [ ] Positioning (static, absolute, fixed, relative)
- [ ] Selectors (a, .component, .component > a)
- [ ] Pseudo-classes (:hover, :active)
- [ ] Specificity, !important (and when to use !important responsibly)
- [ ] Responsive web design (@media queries, relative units like em, mobile-first design philosophy)
- [ ] Default stylesheet and reset.css
- [ ] Animation basics (@keyframes)
- [ ] Understanding of CSS frameworks and their trade-offs (experience with one preferred)
- [ ] Understanding of Sass (mixins, loops, conditions, functions)
- [ ] Understanding of BEM methodology

- [ ] JavaScript
- [ ] Functions
- [ ] Pass by value vs. pass by reference
- [ ] Values, types, and basic operators (arithmetic, assignment, comparison, difference between
and ===
- [ ] Truthiness and it’s quirks
- [ ] The Document Object Model (getElementById, onClick, window.location.reload)
- [ ] Data structures (Objects, arrays, arrays as queues, arrays as stack, Set) and how to manipulate them (loops,
, filter
, reduce
, Object.keys
- [ ] How to send and and handle HTTP requests using
- [ ] Promises and asynchronous programming (chaining promises, handling errors, awaiting multiple promises in order,
- [ ] Basics of regular expressions (matching characters, wildcards, anchors, quantifiers, greediness)
- [ ] How to encode and decode text (base64, url encoding)
- [ ] Cloning objects
- [ ] ES6 syntactic sugar (arrow functions, destructuring assignments, object initializer shorthand, rest parameters, spread operator)
- [ ] Prototypes (constructor functions and
keyword, this
keyword, basics of prototypical inheritance)
- [ ] Cookies, local storage, session storage

- [ ] React (or equivalent)
- [ ] Virtual DOM
- [ ] JSX (syntax, JSX’s relation to React.createElement)
- [ ] Props (when to use, prop drilling)
- [ ] State (when to use, global state, avoiding unnecessary renders)
- [ ] Lifecycle methods and/or Hooks
- [ ] Uncontrolled vs controlled components
- [ ] Refs
- [ ] Class-based components vs functional components
- [ ] Context API

- [ ] Tools
- [ ] Git (clone, add, commit, push, pull, branch, log, rebase)
- [ ] GitHub (forking, pull requests)
- [ ] npm (package.json, package-lock.json, upgrade)
- [ ] Chrome Developer Tools (how to track requests, inspect storage, clear cache, preview website on mobile, simulate slow network)
- [ ] Cross-browser testing tool like Browserstack
- [ ] Visual Studio Code or equivalent (search, search and replace, refactor tools, productive extensions, productive shortcuts)
- [ ] How to install and utilise HTML, CSS, and JavaScript linters
- [ ] Precompiler like Babel
- [ ] Any platform where you can deploy your website (GitHub pages, Netlify, Digital Ocean,Vercel)
- [ ] Unix commands (cd, ls, mv, cp, rm, touch) or Windows equivalent
- [ ] What is continuous integration?

- [ ] Web
- [ ] HTTP methods (POST, PUT, etc.)
- [ ] HTTP status codes (404, 400, 501, 200)
- [ ] JSON
- [ ] Basics of REST methodology (motivation, principles, “rules”)
- [ ] Basics of web security (HTTPS, XSS, CORS, how to fix a website with blocked mixed content) and familiarity with OWASP top 10
- [ ] Authentication
- [ ] Cookies (Session cookies, session ID, expiration)
- [ ] Tokens (JWT, refresh tokens)
- [ ] Basic computer networking (firewall, DNS, private vs public IP)
- [ ] Client-side web sockets